Last But Not Least
A bright future is anxiously waiting for the pious persons of all religions. Such persons should, therefore, get together, irrespective of their religions. They should jointly cry out for the arrival of the personality, who is to brighten their future. We should arrange for joint prayers and request full worship, we should fast and then say congregational prayers, so that ‘the awaited for’ may realize our thirst and pain and hasten his arrival. His sender is highly kind and looks for the plea to shower His munificence on his creatures. He should send His representative soon so that the world, full of tyranny and oppression, should turn into a cradle of peace.
Those who have moral weakness should feel repentance over their condemnable deeds and should join the rows of pious people. They may not forsake their religion and belief but they should redeem themselves in a way that if the Great Saviour comes, they might be ready and able to assemble under his flag. They should be in a position where whatever label or name they may select for their religion or group; they should readily accept it, without sticking to their own.
If he proclaims that his religion is Christianity, all the pious persons of every religion should accept the
(Note: Many persons have benefited from the above observance. You may test it by acting upon the above with firm faith and sincere heart. The covenant is to be made very sincerely. It will be necessary to act upon the orders received by you from the Divine Guide, otherwise, perpetual destruction will be your fate. If you intend to receive Divine guidance from the core of your heart, then do practice the above observance.)
same. If he declares that his religion is Islam, all pious persons should label themselves as wise and should sincerely offer their support and assistance.
I have made a modest effort. I am unaware whether or not someone has already taken any step in this direction. If there is already a work of similar nature, then my book may be taken as its corroboration and confirmation and if not, then it opens new vistas for further research.
I am soon going to present another book on the same topic with reference to Eastern religion. It will be its second volume. In it, I shall present the concept of the awaited Greater Reformer in the light of the sayings of great Krishna, Ram Chandar Jee, great Budha, scriptures of Hindus, Zoroaster, and Swami Mahabeer.
I have written this book sincerely and for the betterment of mankind. If someone does not agree with its contents, he has every right to do so. If it injures someone’s feelings, I tender my apology in advance because my aim is not to offend the minds of others but to try to bridge the gulf of hatred between humanity as a whole. If someone has more material regarding the topic under discussion, he should contact me, so that I may correct myself.
At the end I prayer to God Almighty that he should help us in becoming pious and make us such as we may be able to join the league, assisting and supporting our pious people. The aim is that we may lay our lives in the feet of His last representative. Amen. Thanking the Lord of all lords